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Soda Politics : Taking on Big Soda (and Winning)
Author(s) Marion Nestle
Publisher Oxford University Press
Published 2017
Publisher Oxford University Press
Published 2017
Publisher Oxford University Press
Published 2016
Publisher Oxford University Press
Published 2016
Becoming Human : A Theory of Ontogeny
Author(s) Michael Tomasello
Publisher Harvard University Press
Published 2021
QBism : The Future of Quantum Physics
Author(s) Hans Christian von Baeyer et al.
Publisher Harvard University Press
Published 2016
Emily Dickinson's Poems : As She Preserved Them
Author(s) Emily. Dickinson et al.
Publisher Harvard University Press
Published 2016
Isis : A History
Author(s) Fawaz A. Gerges
Publisher Princeton University Press
Published 2016
The Urbanism of Frank Lloyd Wright
Author(s) Neil Levine
Publisher Princeton University Press
Published 2015
Brooklyn : The Once and Future City
Author(s) Thomas J. Campanella
Publisher Princeton University Press
Published 2019
What's Divine about Divine Law? : Early Perspectives
Author(s) Christine Hayes
Publisher Oxford University Press
Published 2015
Strange Glow : The Story of Radiation
Author(s) Timothy J. Jorgensen
Publisher Princeton University Press
Published 2016
Group Theory in a Nutshell for Physicists
Author(s) Anthony Zee
Publisher Princeton University Press
Published 2016
99 Variations on a Proof
Author(s) Philip Ording
Publisher Princeton University Press
Published 2019
Welcome to the Universe : An Astrophysical Tour
Author(s) Neil deGrasse Tyson et al.
Publisher Princeton University Press
Published 2016
The Princeton History of Modern Ireland
Author(s) Richard Bourke et al.
Publisher Princeton University Press
Published 2016
Publisher Princeton University Press
Published 2016
Publisher Princeton University Press
Published 2016
Soda Politics : Taking on Big Soda (and Winning)
Author(s) Marion Nestle
Format Paperback
Publisher Oxford University Press
Published 2017

Braddock's Defeat : The Battle of the Monongahela and the Road to Revolution
Author(s) David L. Preston
Format Paperback
Publisher Oxford University Press
Published 2017

Hall of Mirrors : The Great Depression, the Great Recession, and the Uses-And Misuses-of History
Author(s) Barry Eichengreen
Format Paperback
Publisher Oxford University Press
Published 2016

Power at Ground Zero : Politics, Money, and the Remaking of Lower Manhattan
Author(s) Lynne B. Sagalyn
Format Hardcover
Publisher Oxford University Press
Published 2016

Becoming Human : A Theory of Ontogeny
Author(s) Michael Tomasello
Format Paperback
Publisher Harvard University Press
Published 2021

QBism : The Future of Quantum Physics
Author(s) Hans Christian von Baeyer et al.
Format Hardcover
Publisher Harvard University Press
Published 2016

Emily Dickinson's Poems : As She Preserved Them
Author(s) Emily. Dickinson et al.
Format Hardcover
Publisher Harvard University Press
Published 2016

Isis : A History
Author(s) Fawaz A. Gerges
Format Hardcover
Publisher Princeton University Press
Published 2016

The Urbanism of Frank Lloyd Wright
Author(s) Neil Levine
Format Hardcover
Publisher Princeton University Press
Published 2015

Success and Luck : Good Fortune and the Myth of Meritocracy
Author(s) Robert H. Frank
Format Hardcover
Publisher Princeton University Press
Published 2016

Brooklyn : The Once and Future City
Author(s) Thomas J. Campanella
Format Hardcover
Publisher Princeton University Press
Published 2019

What's Divine about Divine Law? : Early Perspectives
Author(s) Christine Hayes
Format Hardcover
Publisher Oxford University Press
Published 2015

Strange Glow : The Story of Radiation
Author(s) Timothy J. Jorgensen
Format Hardcover
Publisher Princeton University Press
Published 2016

Group Theory in a Nutshell for Physicists
Author(s) Anthony Zee
Format Hardcover
Publisher Princeton University Press
Published 2016

99 Variations on a Proof
Author(s) Philip Ording
Format Hardcover
Publisher Princeton University Press
Published 2019

Welcome to the Universe : An Astrophysical Tour
Author(s) Neil deGrasse Tyson et al.
Format Hardcover
Publisher Princeton University Press
Published 2016

The Princeton History of Modern Ireland
Author(s) Richard Bourke et al.
Format Hardcover
Publisher Princeton University Press
Published 2016

The Rise and Fall of American Growth : The U. S. Standard of Living since the Civil War
Author(s) Robert J. Gordon
Format Hardcover
Publisher Princeton University Press
Published 2016

The Rise of a Prairie Statesman : The Life and Times of George Mcgovern
Author(s) Thomas Knock
Format Hardcover
Publisher Princeton University Press
Published 2016

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