Waveland Press

Social Psychology : Sociological Perspectives 3rd
Author(s) David Rohall et al.
Edition 3rd
Publisher Waveland Press
Published 2021
School Crisis Prevention and Intervention 2nd
Author(s) Mary Margaret Kerr et al.
Edition 2nd
Publisher Waveland Press
Published 2018
Counseling and Therapy Skills with DVD 3rd
Author(s) David Martin
Format: Paperback with DVD
Edition 3rd
Publisher Waveland Press
Published 2010
Lectures on the Psychology of Women 5th
Author(s) Joan Chrisler et al.
Edition 5th
Publisher Waveland Press
Published 2017
Arguments and Arguing : The Products and Process of Human Decision Making 3rd
Author(s) Thomas Hollihan et al.
Edition 3rd
Format Paperback
Publisher Waveland Press
Published 2015

Language Arts : Process, Product, and Assessment for Diverse Classrooms 6th
Author(s) Pamela Farris et al.
Edition 6th
Format Paperback
Publisher Waveland Press
Published 2019

Social Psychology : Sociological Perspectives 3rd
Author(s) David Rohall et al.
Edition 3rd
Format Paperback
Publisher Waveland Press
Published 2021

School Crisis Prevention and Intervention 2nd
Author(s) Mary Margaret Kerr et al.
Edition 2nd
Format Paperback
Publisher Waveland Press
Published 2018

Counseling and Therapy Skills with DVD 3rd
Author(s) David Martin
Edition 3rd
Format Format: Paperback with DVD
Publisher Waveland Press
Published 2010

Lectures on the Psychology of Women 5th
Author(s) Joan Chrisler et al.
Edition 5th
Format Paperback
Publisher Waveland Press
Published 2017

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